Animated Update

Wow, things are really getting crazy here. Like, I knew they were bad, and that the Conclave of Mechanists (AKA Mechanist Rising Pty Ltd) meant business, but I did not think that things would get this bad this quickly. A couple of quick comparisons to paint the picture. You know that big event that happened in the 1940s where a bunch of people decided they’d try to take over the world? Yeah, well this isn’t quite as bad as that, but to even get a comparison to that is pretty insane. I suppose a more apt comparison would be to that old Yellow Kitchen Sponge Movie from when I was a kid. You’ve seen that, right? Well, in it the little green dude takes over the town and makes everybody his mindless servants. That’s pretty much what we’re looking at here.

Free will is still a thing, but there are serious consequences for acting on it. I’ve continued to discuss what is happening with the animation company, but to be honest, I’m kind of scared to continue. I’m privileged to work nearby the video animation company that is producing videos on behalf of the Mechanist Rising. Everyone else is getting inspected daily, but our strip of shops seems to get away with it. That said, Charlie got caught on the way to work by the Robotopia Police Force, and he didn’t have his work permit on him. He sent me a text saying he was getting pretty stressed about it, and I haven’t heard from him since. I’ll make sure I don’t forget mine on my way to work. No one knows where I work exactly, other than the fact that it is near a video production company based near Melbourne. Thankfully, I’m still getting paid, but I’m pretty sure one of the major goals of the Conclave is to abolish capitalism, so I guess that’s good at least.

Stay safe out there, people. These are dangerous times.

– Mr Chowski