Solar Power People

Rylee led the way forward, cutting through the solar power facility like a scythe through wheat. Maphira wasn’t sure what her sister was up to, but one thing was certain – Rylee knew exactly where she was going. She had to have the layout of this confusing facility burned into the back of her eyeballs.

How much longer would it be before they reached the commercial solar battery sector? For most people, they would go there if they were interested in finding out where to get a commercial solar battery, but they would be there for a very different reason. They were going to leave this place a smouldering ruin if Maphira had any say in it. By the day’s end, the Mechanists would have their entire plot in tatters.

Rylee opened the next door, revealing a bright room beyond it. As they stepped onto the walkway above the room, Maphira spotted the strangest thing she’d ever seen. Dozens of people moved about the room, glowing bright yellow. They looked almost like Mr Scars from the Simp Sons when he starts glowing from radiation.

“People of pure solar power. That’s what the Conclave is willing to do to achieve their goals,” Rylee said. “There’s no way we can let them get away with this. As long as the scientists here stick to building the best commercial solar panel calculator, I’ll leave them be. But while they are influenced by the Conclave and mutating people with solar energy, I won’t stand for it.”

Vai looked over the railing and shook her head. “You’ve got to admit, though, it is kind of incredible. What if they could solve the world’s energy crisis just with a few solar power people? There has to be a better way, obviously, but it’s still amazing.”

Maphira understood the awe, but she didn’t dare let her mind be twisted by such thoughts. It was a slippery slope from taking interest in this sort of thing to sympathising with it. She’d have to talk to Vai about that once this mission was over.

For now, though, they had a facility to destroy.