No Buyer’s Agents

Seriously, where have all the buyer’s agents gone? I feel like I’m going crazy! Here I am, having recently realised that I really want to buy a house, ready to begin the process of finding my dream property. I started doing some research about how to get started, and it turns out that getting a buyer’s agent is the way to go. So, I start looking for a buyer’s agent, but apparently, there are none to be found. They’ve all run off to Alaska or something. I gave a call to the reception of a buyer’s advocacy, and the receptionist told me that “There are no buyer’s agents here, unless you brought them with you. Okay, the Space Battles reference aside, my boss hasn’t been here in over a week so I don’t know what’s going on.” So that’s just great. Why can’t I find a buyer’s agent in the Kew area when I need one?

I’ve been talking to people and they are all having the same experience. There seems to be a severe lack of support for people looking to buy houses at the moment. It’s really sad since this is something that you don’t really want to be waiting around for. I want to get my dream house now. It’s an investment, so I feel like I’m losing money with every day that the buyer’s agents are missing. I’m starting to get desperate. Maybe I should go hunting for a buyer’s agent near Melbourne and hope to come across one of these rare creatures. There is no doubting the effectiveness of having a buyer’s agent, so I absolutely refuse to begin my house hunt without one.

I just hope that, for the sake of everybody wanting to own a home in Melbourne, the buyer’s agents reappear from whatever wormhole they fell into. We need them back as soon as possible, or else the housing market is doomed!

– Jack