Roses Want Out

Day 3 Since the Meteor Did Not Strike Earth

Well, if she hadn’t completely lost it before, she certainly has now. The Roses of Five gathered together for our daily council merely an hour ago to discuss Abby’s dwindling sanity. It’s clear at this point that she is too far gone. There is nothing we can do to save her. Rose Number Two politely asked her if one of us could scout outside to see how close the meteor was, claiming that the anticipation was killing us (it’s actually the lack of soil and water that’s doing that, but you know how it is). Of course, Abby started screaming about how that was a terrible idea and none of us would ever leave the bunker. She even threatened to pull out the weed wacker. We’re officially being held hostage by the very woman who brought us to life. It’s not fun.

Obviously, she’s pretty invested in our lives, even though she has doomed us by taking us roses down here. It’s touching that she doesn’t want us to go, but we’re roses for crying out loud. We don’t have very long lifespans anyway. She can just buy native seeds online and grow some new ones. It really isn’t a big deal to us. I never really understood why humans are so precious about life ending. It’s totally natural! You know it’s part of the deal from the beginning. Abby should just accept that she’ll need to find some new standard roses for sale and move on.

Anyway, the Council is planning an escape. We know that it’s safe out there, but since Abby won’t listen, we’re going to have to bust out of here. It’s our only option. If we’re going to wither away, we’ll do it enjoying the fresh air, thank you very much. I don’t care what she thinks – there’s a whole world out there waiting for us with no meteor about to strike. It’s time to enjoy it with the days we have left.

– Rose Number Five