After School Job

I’m starting my new job today! Last year, I graduated high school and while most of my friends are going to university next month, I’m starting an apprenticeship. I got pretty good grades in school so a lot of people thought I would study science, but even though I loved learning about it, I didn’t think I would want to do it as a career. I enjoy working with my hands, and I’ve always been good at dissecting things, so my career counsellor suggested I look into becoming an electrician. This seemed like a brilliant idea! It combines craftsmanship with a bit of science – just my thing.

Last week, my boss handed me a brand new tablet and said I had to guard it with my life because it contained the best job management software for tradesmen on it. I laughed, and promised I would. Just now, a notification appears on my account – a big red envelope icon with a message from my boss. I click on the notification and watch as the software pulls up instructions for my first job today. I have to drive all the way to the western suburbs, where I’ll meet my new coworkers and be introduced to dozens of new electrical tools and procedures.

I’ve been told that in Melbourne, job management software for electricians is not only commonplace but also very popular. Apparently, this means there have been huge advances recently and it’s now possible to do things like automatically record hours worked and manage inventory with as little as a click. As a science student, I’m obviously very interested in technology like this, so before hitting the road, I take a few minutes to scroll through the software. Maybe once I learn how to be an electrician, I could design my own version! I can’t wait to meet my team and talk to some experienced sparkies. I’m sure they’ll have heaps of amazing ideas about how to improve the software.